Monday, May 23, 2011

How can I lose while singing the Tweet Twittter Blues?

I believe you are now on Twitter said my illustrious home dinner guest
So please don’t think me inconsiderate or perish the thought, a mere pest
But I can’t understand why people would want to make comments so trite
Which most people would consider banal, trivial or even a harsh slight

On characters who have no recourse to respond in return or even explain
But must simply put up with the anguish of written abuse and often pain
And I believe that some of these Twitter pages are linked to extensive blogs
With content longer but no better, so I really think we are going to the dogs.

But of course I’m sure that your own contribution is not stuck in this rigid bind
So some day you must afford me a chance to read your blog if you would be so kind
But in the meantime could you shed some light on this Twitter Social Media forum
Without being too harsh a critic of my acute observations or loosing your decorum.

I sighed and said that this new Social Media can at times give us all cause for reflection
For example, does Twitter domain in any way enhance society’s harmonious perfection?
But there is really no need to get too serious and po faced about it, so just have a ball,
As its purpose is to provide a social outlet for written fun and frolics to one and all.

140 characters long Tweets can appear basic and even obtuse, and some are never pleased
But this is hardly a reason for philosophical rants or Twitter writers being so often teased.
Indeed many Tweets exemplify intelligent content with a thought balance which is super
Unlike some male pastimes which settle for football fantasies and drink induced stupor.

So lighten up friend, lest you get carried away in a self absorbed judgemental stance
As I suggest that Tweet humour is the missing chink in the armour of your sorry dance
For Twitter experience has leads me to assert one crucial thing going right to the core
Of tweeting successfully to others whether friend or foe and that is never to be a bore.

Tweets are like little ephemeral small bubbles blown fondly by children into the air
Which are sensed for a moment of magic and then burst and are gone from your stare
So if you think of them in this light way they will always be a source of simply pleasure
To be enjoyed happily on your I-phone or home computer as a form of innocent leisure

My own Twitter and blog addiction is I feel a mild vice and should cause little plight
Even if it can lead to midnight sojourns to check for new tweets downstairs at night.
Thus we should try to share our tweet enjoyments and blog discourses purely for fun
For it’s a harmless diversion from sadly singing our blues when all is said and done.

Note: This is a purely fictional verse written for amusement only but do not ask for my credits as refusal may offend!