After some of my little sheep disappeared entirely from their pen last year due to a Twitter bug, I must confess that I feared the worse. As many of you know, I have begun to feel very protective towards my 'Twitter' followers and see them as a kind of fluffy sheep being minded by this Good Shepherd. (no offence to sheep intended!). Therefore, I was amazed to find on a visit to Damme in Belgium recently when I found that two of them were living happily there without a blog in the World. Therefore this afternoon despite being 'pent' up with my net, I am making a renewed appeal for their return to the flock. So far I have peeped outside on the 'tweet deck' to no avail and even circulated 'tweet pics' to my Belgian friends to see if they can persuade them to return. Aghast! I am beginning to think that someone was trying to pull the wool over my eyes as there hasn't been a tweet out of them for hours. However, to my great relief just as i was considering cashing in my tweets entirely, I learned from BBC Breaking News that the problem arose from a strain of web 'foot & mouth' disease which was having an effect of 'sees mic' proportions. As i myself could find neither rhyme nor reason for any of my beloved sheep to undertake a 'midnight twit', i was greatly relieved to hear that the problem was quarantined and indeed may have been caused by a rogue sheep trader trying to force my sheep to abandon their pen. So! So! sorry my good wife proclaimed but it was of little comfort to me. You see for me, in sheep rearing as in other worthwhile enterprises, the Pen is mightier than the S0-word. Thankfully my foreign sheep numbers will so-on be restored and I can settle down to enjoy my little flock again secure in the belief that the bleating think will not occur again soon! Baa! Baa!!
'Mr Bo Peep has lost his sheep,
And doesn't know where to find her.
Leave her alone and she'll come home,
Twittering her tales behind her.
Mr Bo Peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt he he heard her bleating,
But when he awoke, he found it a joke,
For she was no longer tweeting.
Baa! Baa! Where's my little Lambkin!!
PS: This is a modified blog from March 2010. The insightful among you will realise that the top photo is of the Belgium sheep and the lower one the Irish one! Baa!
Once again, I loved this. You and I are kindred spirits, I reckon. molly