Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Bunnies,Good Health and a 'Barrowed' Egg!

A famous slogan of the seventies was 'Go to Work on an Egg' but lo and behold, scientists have now discovered that 'An egg can go to Work on You'. So just in time for Easter they stated that eating dark chocolate can be good for you and actually may lower blood pressure. Taken in conjunction with an earlier recommendation that a glass of red wine is good for the heart, things are really looking up for the Festive season. However, as usual there are qualifications to their advice. They say that dark chocolate should be taken in 'moderation'! However, as we know one man's moderation is another man's binge. And when it comes to the good Ladies, Chocolate moderation has even being carefully worked into the normal diet regime so as to afford 'comfort' motivation to the committed participant. Thus in answer to large hints proffered by my own 'good wife' for an Easter gift, and a somewhat 'blue' tone to her temperament of late,I decided to get her a small Easter egg which is illustrated in the 'barrow' accompanying this discourse. You see, I have always adhered to the well known wedding mantra to keep her good self happy at all times. Thus, even at Easter, i try to ensure that I have something 'barrowed' to accompany something blue'.
Thanks to 'Yes Flowers' shop in Galway for sheep and Bunnie rabbit models and to 'Lir' chocolates for the well behaved egg!!
Happy Easter Every Little 'Sheep' from Galway

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