Friday, January 21, 2011

Adverse Irish Voting Options in the Twitter Age: Simply Academic?

Charles Darwin says man has evolved to date by a process of natural selection
Which unfortunately in Ireland will not apply in the forthcoming Dail Election
For many economic windbags and TV economic pundits are now intending to stand
With a singular vanity and sense of entitlement to help save our endangered land.

Fresh from stormy encounters and political tirades on the VB soap box on TV3
They have totally forgotten what happened to the dreams of such as George Lee
To save the Nation they will put personal ambition and celebrity status to one side
For their total opposition to the banking bailout and IMF folly they simply can’t hide.

Yes it’s time they say to replace banal candidates, admittedly part of a local community
And give new ones with a celebrity focus or academic knowledge a proper opportunity
We should of course kindly overlook the fact that they have represented no one before
Except perhaps their own egos but let’s not dwell on that or else we will seem a bore.

Indeed we may not even need a dated ballot box process as a means of voter selection
When to an X Factor political TV show and voting system their should be no objection
And to those dull politicians who may be discouraged and feel this banal and absurd
They don’t even need to sing or dance as this was no problem for those like Jedward.

Yes, it’s high time that existing politicians and the general public got with the new show
As only the treatises of newspaper columnists or academic scholars are really in the know
All politicians should be required to be on Facebook or at least Twitter like a connoisseur
As a firm basis for communicating with the electorate or putting their views out there.

Policies should be rationalised and confined to not than 140 characters as a Tweet
As an acceptable means of reaching and keeping the attention of the Man on the Street.
For our social media skills have now left us like Albert Reynolds as a one page Man
So we don’t really wish to wade through the lengthy chapters of any Economic Plan

And we certainly don’t want to turn up in numbers at political rallies no matter where
No, we would much prefer to stay in the local pub and tweet its location on Foursquare
In fact this whole Election business is already becoming tiresome and a boring distraction
For despite appalling mismanagement, is their any point in changing the current faction.

But wait, do we really want academics in ivory towers to run our country on our behalf
For we may be disgruntled with politics as currently practiced, but we really aren’t daft,
So go and vote on March 11th and give a local candidate of your choice your number one
For as you can see upon reflection, the alternative may be much worse, when all is said and done.

Note: This is a purely fictional verse written for amusement only.

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