Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Sitter for Twitter:Tweet NannyMacWii?

I’m having difficulty minding some followers on Twitter
As my role sometimes is more a kin to a Cyber Babysitter
Their tweets are often badly written and all over the place
With bad grammar and confused thought which is a disgrace.

Buts that’s not all that is wrong with this motley crew
For some of their language can be an off colour hue
Many are certainly not tidy in thought or in deed
While they hide behind mantras of how to succeed.

Their home page content is littered with tweets ever lush
Some of which would make even Supernanny blush
Better use 140 characters by reference to a Nanny book
Setting out a firmly disciplined and a healthy outlook

Some tweets are silly and others just plain trite
While some can’t be understood try as you might
You see some people treat one as if one was dumb
Not unlike a bold child throwing a major tantrum

Some stoop so low as to describe sex and play in the sack
Subjects which are entirely unsuitable on a Mac
A cold shower and mouth wash might be more to their gain
Than endless self promotion which only gives pain.

Such mad manners are often asserted with vigour and glee
Although they should end up in the arms of Nanny MacWii
You see there is really no excuse for mindless bleats
When good behaviour can merit abundant retweets.

So its time to assert a modicum of Nanny control
Over casual and bold tweeters whatever their role
So I would like to assert a new Twitter code
Which at last will deliver the correct Mother load.

Behave in a responsible, considerate and fair way
With moral conviction and a sense of fair play
Think before tweeting, dot your I’s and cross your t’s
Then going on twitter will soon be a wheeze

Be mindful of language however colourful or true
And make sure that it’s not considered hurtful or blue
Mind your manners and try always to fight the good fight
Or face the wrath of Nanny and be blocked from my site.


This verse is for amusement and directed at no one
But it sentiments may run true as part of the fun
So it’s really no harm to take it somewhat to heart
And consider it when your next tweet is given a start.

P.S. Apologies in advance to Nannies worldwide for impression which might be given by photo that nannies tend to have full round cuddly figures! Banish the thought?

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